How to use the Decimation Feature on WAVE
Wave decimates data because when pulling all that information into memory on the user interface, it can cause the program to slow down and run out of memory.
FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the difference between WAVE File and templates?
WAVE Files bundle up the data loaded and graph settings you have set up. Templates aren't going to bundle in the data. It will mainly consist of the graph settings and files that you can load. The data is not part of the template. You’re able to look at a different data set as long as it’s the same file types.
(Please refer to time stamp 6:36 in Tutorial video above for more explanation on this)
Can WAVE read Excel files?
No unfortunately it cannot.
Can WAVE generate reports for the graphs I create?
Yes- the graphs will export to PDF files.
Can I change the point or line style for my plots to help differentiate the data?
Yes, right click on the plot icon in the legend and it will show various options for your plot.
I need help or am having trouble installing WAVE.
Please refer to our question forum and we’ll be in contact to help resolve any installation issues.
Can I manually adjust the X or Y axis?
Click on the maximum and minimum value of the axis. Type in the value for the range you’d like to have.
The legend is in my way of viewing some data. Can I move it?
As of right now we cannot but it will be a feature to add in the near future.
How can I zoom in or out?
As for zooming, in general, a run will have a lot of data. If we need to analyze the data, we will typically zoom into specific regions on interest. Click here to learn how to use the zoom feature.
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