Eclipse Touch Operational Processes
Next, we’ll cover some of the processes you will need to know for day-to-day operations.
Eclipse Menu
The first thing to become familiar with is the Eclipse Menu. Access the Eclipse Menu by selecting the Eclipse Touch logo at top-right of the Live page.
The third section down in the menu titled Window Options, there are two buttons that you may not be familiar with, Windowed and Full Screen.
Full Screen Mode
The purpose of Full Screen is to prevent other windows from popping- up in front of the display. Most user prefer this mode for rig floor displays, as it prevents the directional driller from being blocked from viewing toolfaces for any reason. If you select Full Screen mode, you’ll notice that both your task bar and title bar disappear. Also, when preforming pre-run tests, this will also prevent reports from popping-up. Typically, these operations are best preformed in Windowed Mode.
Windowed Mode
Most user prefer to use Windowed Mode when using Eclipse Touch in the MWD command center or MWD shack. This mode is more friendly for daily operations of an MWD. Also, take note that Windowed Mode can also be maximized to take up the computer’s entire display.
GIF Windowed v Full
Closing the App
When in Windowed Mode, you will Eclipse Touch does not respond when attempting to use the X button on the title bar. The purpose of this was to prevent unintentionally closing of the Eclipse Touch while drilling. The only way to properly close the app in the Quit App Button in the Eclipse Menu, outlined in red.
Certain displays will cause the scaling and fonts within Eclipse Touch difficult to view. To remedy this, we created the Zoom feature. Select the + or – button to change the size of the fonts to your liking. Note: Zoom only works when Eclipse Touch is maximized in Windowed Mode or in Full Screen Mode.
GIF Zoom
About Button
If you select the about button the Eclipse Menu it will trigger a pop-up menu. From there you can select the Help Button to access a QR code, which can be scanned with your smartphone to access a YouTube playlist of training videos.
This button opens a pop-up, real-time display of decoded Babelfish mnemonics. Used as a centralized location for Babelfish data.
Learn more about MicroPulses Babelfish Orbit RSS integration, no additional hardware needed.
Local Sync
Local Sync is the computer-to-computer connection that links Eclipse Touch. There are a couple of ways to determine the status of Local Sync. First, indicator light at the top-right of the live page. When this light is red, your device is not connected over LocalSync. When it is green, you are connected.
The second way is by navigating the Chat Page. The left-hand side of the page is titled “Peers”. This column will populate with machines connected over LocalSync and their status’. Change the name this instance is displayed as to peer machines by selecting the Change Button at the top-right of the screen. It’s preferable to change the name to something indicative of its location on the drilling site.
Decoder Settings
To adjust decoder setting such as, Transducer Fullscale, DAO, Pumps-On Threshold, select the icons where these setting are displayed, at the bottom-right of the Live Page. Note: Eclipse Touch must be connected to an eDAQ or connected to another computer over LocalSync to access these settings.
Directional Driller View
Directional Driller View is a different view that increases the size of the rosebud. Access this view by clicking the bottom half the rosebud.
Waveform Diagnostic Displays
Eclipse Touch maintains a history of your pulse waveform. You can scroll through previous decodes and associated pulses. This is often used as a diagnostic tool or to easily look at changes in waveform over time.
GIF Entering Waveform View
Report Button
Using the Report button is an integral part of our decoder improvement. Once you submit a bad decode(s), the pressure data gets sent to our cloud for the machine learning algorithm to create new filters.
Check-out the report button video here.
Waveform Display Settings
To change display settings of the waveform, first click anywhere on the waveform at the bottom of the Live Page. Froom there click the bottom right Settings Tab.
GIF Waveform Settings
FFT or Spectrogram
The spectrogram is a great way to diagnose rig related pressure fluctuations. Check-out our video on how to use this tool here.
Exporting Decoded Data
To export decoded data click anywhere in your decoded data pane, then select “Export” at the top-right.
GIF Export Decoded
Importing Surveys into Eclipse Touch
Click on the survey tab in the decoded data pane. Click again anywhere on the survey pane to navigate the survey utility. An additional way to navigate here is to click the SRVY tab at the bottom of the window.
GIF Svy Import
Once you’ve reached the Survey page select the Import Surveys button at the top right, then the template button at the top of the window and save it to a location of your choice.
GIF Template Dwnl
Once you’ve saved the template please navigate to the saved location and open the template.
Note: This template is required for importing surveys into Eclipse Touch
Read the directions in the template. If you don not have tracking ID, don’t be concerned, it’s not necessary. Next, enter survey depth, inclination, azimuth and run number.
Now save this file and close. Make sure you’re saving as a CSV format.
Now, from the Import Survey Page you can select the file you saved and edited. Select Next, then review the surveys you’re importing before selecting Finish.
GIF Import Temp