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Eclipse Touch Advanced Decoding Features

Eclipse Touch established itself as one of the best mud pulse telemetry decoders in the industry. Let’s cover some of the most notable features

Manual Sync
Manual Sync is a feature that allows the user to manually dictate the sync alignment between the decoder and the downhole tool. This feature can be used when sync is not achieved automatically or when the decoder achieved sync on inaccurate timing. Check out our training video here to watch a manual synced be performed. 


GIF Manual Sync

Locating Decoderlogs AKA Raw Pressure Files
 To access the raw pressure files, AKA Decoderlogs, navigate to the MWD tabs, then select the Logs button the right. 


GIF Decoderlogs

Once you’ve selected this button, a File Explorer window will pop-up. If a File Explorer window did not pop-up, please put Eclipse Touch into Windowed mode and it will allow pop-ups, then try again. 

Screen Shot 2022-12-21 at 9.54.49 AMThe file names are important to determine how to locate the exact file you want to play back. First, the SXXX number is the pump cycle number. These cycle numbers are generated in numeric order. Note that depending on how long the pumps were on, there may be multiple files with the same cycle number. The second portion of the name is the time stamp in which the file was created. If the file is the first of it’s cycle number, the title will contain the exact time and date the pump pressure surpassed the pumps on threshold. 

Screen Shot 2022-12-21 at 9.56.05 AM

For instance, for cycle S0556 the pumps were turned on at approximately 13:57, September 22 2022.
Another way to determine what stand file you need is to click on the pulses at the bottom of the live page, scroll down to the data you’d like to evaluate, then look for the cycle number on the left-hand column.

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Live Pressure Playback
Now that you’ve learned to locate Decoderlogs, let learn some use cases for these files, such as Live Pressure Playback. Live Pressure Playback is a feature that allows the user to playback historic pressure data, at the speed which it was decoded originally. 

To use this feature, we must first navigate to The Eclipse Menu on the Live page. Select the Live button. Select the file you want to play back accordingly. 


GIF Live Playback

The pressure file will restart once it finishes. To stop the playback, simply return to the Eclipse menu and select the Stop Live button. 

Quick Playback
Quick Playback is a similar feature, however instead of playing-back the pressure at real-time speeds, it maxes out your computers processor to decode the data as fast as possible. To navigate to this feature, you will return the Eclipse menu. The Quick button is to the right of the Live button in the GIF above. Once you select the appropriate pressure file, be sure to the select the start button. Once progress bar has reached 100% you can view the waveform by selecting the View Plot button. Additionally, you can select the decoded data in CSV format by selecting the Export button. 


GIF Quick Playback