Erdos Miller Welcome Blog

Hello Readers,
Welcome to the Erdos Miller Blog. Ideally by the time that you’re reading this you’ll be on our new site. We’ve recently re-branded with a new site and are trying to increase our online presence. Our previous blog posts also have useful information and industry topics for discussion. Don't hesitate to check those out. The main purpose of our blog will not only provide you insight on how our technology and solutions will benefit your business but it will contain content about industry trends and some inside looks at our own company culture.
Here are some things that you should know about Erdos Miller:
Who are you and what do you do?
In a nutshell we’re an engineering and product development firm with a focus on upstream oil and gas. Some of our services include consulting, MWD, surface systems, completions, and well interventions. The products we offer is the Micropulse technology delivering quality results, easy usability, and staying cost effective.
Where exactly are ya’ll located?
You see what we did there? Based out of Houston, Texas we thought it would be fitting. We recently moved to a new office! You will now find us at 15120 Northwest Fwy STE 100, Houston, TX 77040

How long have ya’ll been around?
We were founded in 2009. So you can do the math. We’ll save the finer details on how we began for a upcoming separate blogpost. Stay tuned to read up on that topic.
Did you know that we have a podcast?
It might seem cliche due to many businesses and companies jumping onto the podcast bandwagon nowadays. However, we started it about a year ago successfully completing season one and plan to continue recording more. Our podcast is called The NPT: The Erdos Miller Drilling Podcast. This podcast is a great resource for those who want to hear conversations on advanced technology within the Oil and Gas Industry. Our company leaders Ken Miller and David Erdos are the hosts of the podcast. We’re on Player FM, iTunes, and now Spotify! Great for when you’re on the go or just multitasking at home. We also plan on shooting the podcasts for our Youtube channel. When you hear video podcast the combination of Joe Rogan and engineering may come to mind. That might be your initial thought but don't worry. Our podcast opens up conversations on O&G topics in relation to the industry and even our own company practices. Catch up on season 1 with our interviews with industry leaders and some bad jokes every so often. We’ll create episodes that correspond with each new episode for our upcoming season 2.
Our social media is listed on the upper right corner of our website, click the microphone icon to listen to our podcast!
Hope some of these questions gave you a little insight on what we're about and what's to come.