Eclipse Touch is our proprietary mud pulse telemetry decoding software. We have employed the use of machine learning algorithms to develop unmatched decoding capabilities. We are commonly told by our customers this touch screen friendly software is the most user friendly. Check out our LinkedIn for testimonials.
Starting a new Well in Eclipse Touch: If this is a fresh install, once you’ve launched Eclipse Touch you will be met with a New Well Setup Wizard.
If your device has run Eclipse Touch prior to this well, select the rose bud from the Live page to access the menu.
Verify you are on the Well tab then select the ‘New’ button at the top right of the window.
When you’re ready to start a new run, navigate the menu, by selecting the top half of the rosebud.
Then navigate to the ‘Run’ tab on the left-hand pane and select ‘New’ button at the top right of the window.
First, navigate to the MWD tab. Verify that your directional module is connected, as well as your decoder/ eDAQ. You will see both boxes are green. Currently Eclipse Touch only supports programing over CAN bus to JAE Smart DM and all Micro Pulse directional modules. If you’re programming a JAE Smart DM, select ‘Smart DM’ from the ‘Target’ drop down menu.
If you’re only programming your decoder, you should only see the eDAQ on the right-hand side green. The left-hand side will be red.
Next you will navigate to the editor. At this point you will load your configuration, or if you don’t have one made, you will adjust the configuration according to your employers’ guidelines. If you’ve created a configuration or made any additional edits to your loaded configuration, you will want to save this configuration now.
Once you’ve saved your configuration, it’s now time to send the configuration to the directional module and/or mud pulse telemetry decoder / eDAQ. To do this select ‘Done’, ‘Commit Config’ button at the top right of the window, then ‘confirm commit’.
Once changes are done being committed you should see the green check appear. The rectangle below shows the timestamp of the committed changes. Select this box for a compare report.
[Verify matched]
Pre-Run Testing
Now that you’ve configured your directional module and eDAQ, it’s time to test. All pre run testing utilities are placed conveniently on the left-hand side ‘MWD’ tab with Eclipse Touch. (Note: At this stage the MWD tool assembly should be completely assembled, torqued and high-sided).
First, we should verify the tool memory has been cleared, to ensure sufficient memory is available for the following MWD run. To do this, navigate to the MWD tab, and select the logs button on the left-hand side. Assuming you have downloaded memory from the previous run, and saved it accordingly, it’s time to clear the memory. Select ‘Clear All’ button at the top right of the window. Once complete select the ‘Exit’ to return to the MWD tab.
Now that the memory is cleared it’s time to continue with pre-run checks. Next select ‘TFO’ button to navigate to TFO page. Once you have doublechecked the level on your helix, select the ‘Zero’ button below MWD Toolface. Note: ‘Disregard Azimuthal Gamma TF’ if you’re not using an Azimuthal Gamma probe. Next select the ‘GENERATE REPORT’ button at the bottom of the page. Save this page or screenshot
See this page for to learn more about MicroPulse’s native Azi Gamma capabilities.
Now that you’ve Zeroed your tool it’s time to preform a roll test. From the MWD Tab select ‘Roll Test’ button. Select ‘Field’ or ‘Lab’ settings and enter your name.
Rotate the tool to one of the 4 targets, wait for the ‘Stable’ light to turn green, then select ‘Take Measurement’ button. Repeat the same process for the remaining 3 targets until all arrows have turned from red to green. At this point you will select the ‘Finish’ button. At this point a report will be automatically generated. Note: If Eclipse Touch in ‘Full Screen Mode’ Eclipse Touch will not allow reports to pop-up in front of the software. If your test fails, contact your coordinator for further instruction.
Next navigate to the ‘Diagnostic’ button. It’s time to preform and invert flow test. Select ‘Invert Flow’ button. Once you have seen ‘Flow’ button turn blue, then select ‘Close’ button the return to MWD tab. Toggle ‘Digital Pulse Simulator’ on. Once you’ve done so, return to Live page to ensure sequences decode as expected. Note: If you have an eDAQ plugged in while preforming this test, you will see a warning “Warning! Another Decoder is Connected”. Ignore this message by pressing start. Once you’ve completed the test, be sure to toggle off Digital Pulse Simulator.
To create a WITS channel in Eclipse Touch you must first navigate to the WITS box seen top center of the ‘Live’ page. Click anywhere in the box to navigate to the WITS set-up page. Next, to create a WITS channel from scratch, select the ‘+’ at the top right. If you’re creating a channel from a template, see section below titled, ‘Creating WITS Channel from Template’. Once you’ve created a WITS Channel click the ‘Edit’ button to further customize the settings needed. First, edit the channel name to your preferred naming convention. We find that using operator/and or rig name is helpful for future reference.
Now that you’ve renamed your channel, lets edit WITS mapping. Select ‘MAPPING’ tab located at the bottom right of the screen. Note: The default Input MAP seen are the tag names required to populate the Live page EDR digital display. You’re welcome to change the tag ID which they’re received, but do not change the name. To start off with a clear template select the ‘Clear All’ button at the bottom left of each map. To restore defaults, select the ‘Default Outputs’ button. To edit WITS Tag IDs, simply click the ID number and change accordingly. Feel free to reduce clutter by deleting tags you don’t intend to use by selecting the ‘X’ on the right-hand side of the tag ID. Once you’ve edited the mapping to your liking, select ‘Save To File’ and save to your desired location.
Creating Channel from Template
From the main WITS menu select ‘Create From File’ button, navigate to template file and select ‘Open’.
Survey Tab Tutorial
Within Eclipse Touch, there is a central location in which all surveys, and associated well path calculations are stored. There are two ways to access; First, through the survey tab at the bottom of the screen, and second, through double-clicking the survey pane at the top-left.
Now that you’re here, right-click on any survey access a few useful features.
Next, let’s configure the layout. Select The cog/gear at the top right of the Survey page. At the top of the page, you will see a ‘Load From File’ button and a ‘Save From File’ button. This file will save settings specifically regard survey table, such as data columns, filtered data and highlight color.
Next, select ‘Configure Columns’ button. To add or remove individual columns, double-click each label. To add all available columns, select the ‘All’ button, to remove all columns select the ‘Clear’ button. To change the order in which a column appears, select the label with a single click, then use the up and down arrows.
Next, we will cover the Survey Pop-Up Window settings. The survey pop-window is the small window that pops up after a survey is decoded. These settings can be adjusted in the same menu. The ‘Auto Dismiss Timeout’ is the setting that determines how long the window stays active before automatically accepting. ‘Sensor Offset’ is your bit to sensor calculation. Eclipse Touch uses bit depth sent VIA WITS from EDR subtracted by this number to calculate the estimated survey depth seen in the pop-up window. Lastly, Auto-Reject Parameters are used to reduce user input, by automatically rejecting surveys outside of your Field Acceptance Criteria. When abled and configured properly, the survey window will not pop-up and will automatically mark the survey as ‘Reject’